I had a dream about a waterless church. I wanted to shower, before I entered the sanctuary, but there were only toilets to be found. I eventually entered, anyway. I was looking for fellowship and leadership, expecting to be spiritually fed and hoping to serve.
I sat down with some nice women at a discussion group table, after the speaker had wrapped up. I began to read something of "meat" about the Lord from my notes, but the women were hard of hearing. They stared blankly at me, and resumed conversing quietly about their kids, homeschool and the week's activities.
The longer I sat at their table, the drier and dirtier the crown of my head became, until it had been replaced with nothing but dandruff. I had a boar bristle brush in my hand - which, I read, is for the distribution of the hair's natural oil, symbolizing the Holy Spirit and God's glory. The anointing. But, as long as I was sitting at this table, it was of no benefit. In fact, I was losing it.
There is a dry and flaky church that the Lord is calling to repentance. We must understand that we can lose the anointing – the oil of his glory – of the Holy Spirit -- our crowns -- by defiling ourselves at the wrong tables.
God is warning not to submit to any head that is not submitted to God. A church can have a form of godliness, yet be without the power of God (1 Tim. 3:5-7). A church without oil and water is a church without the Holy Spirit and the living water, the Word of God, Jesus Christ, that cleanses us from sin. A cross without power is no cross at all. Like the tabernacle laver, we must be a church who reflects upon our sin with the Word of God and the blood of Christ as mirror, and repent of our sin with godly sorrow, so that the power of the resurrection will take form within us.
God is warning us not go to these social clubs, except to call them to repentance and back to their first love.
Yet I hold this against you: You have forsaken the love you had at first. Revelation 2:4
Consider how far you have fallen! Repent and do the things you did at first. If you do not repent, I will come to you and remove your lampstand from its place. Revelation 2:5
I know your deeds; you have a reputation of being alive, but you are dead. Strengthen what remains and is about to die, for I have not found your deeds complete in the sight of my God. Remember, therefore, what you have received and heard; obey it, and repent. But if you do not wake up, I will come like a thief, and you will not know at what time I will come to you. Revelation 3:2
He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To the one who overcomes, I will grant the right to eat from the tree of life in the Paradise of God. Revelation 2:7
This is a document that my sister created to warn the 501c3 church. It is similar to the inditement that the Lord had me deliver to my old church, in 2021. Feel free to use, all or in part, if the Lord leads:
I met with the pastors, in fear and trembling, reading what I had received from the Lord, leaving the tear-sprinkled page call to repentance with them.
They didn't take it seriously. But, the Lord told me that they wouldn't, and that that was the point.
Who am I, that they should listen to me? God chooses vessels that test and reveal the pride and carnal judgments of a man's heart.
The Lord has marked them for judgement. I was to stop praying for mercy.
I share this, because the Lord is calling more servants and messengers to call the 501c3 church to repentance, according to the first three chapters of Revelation.
(This particular church was Laodicean, according to Revelation, which means "the people's rights" as it was in the time that the Bible was written. There is nothing new under the sun. The woke church is old news. But, it's also not the only church to warn.)
Judgement begins in the house of God and mercy warns her beforehand.