A message from the Lord:
This is a year of dominoes that will fall on top of one another, so quickly, it will make heads spin. The last one to fall is what's taking place in Israel, which will escalate and cause war and economic devastation around the world.
Those who are seeking security under the shade of these dominoes, or idols, will be crushed beneath them, unless they repent by coming into my light. My Word. Myself.
I am purging my people, through trials, of the need for control and certainty. If idols. Next year, the world is going to spin, and you will be trained, steady and ready when it happens. I do this, because I love you. I know what is hurting you, and what you need for eternal flourishing. Trust me. If I have given you my Son, shall I not also, freely with him, give you all things?
Number 46 is the last ‘elected’ puppet.
There will be no more elections.
Only measures taken for “peace and safety”.
This is the end of liberty in America.
America, the bondage of your sins is leading you into further captivity. Your captors will show you no mercy. Let it be as a sign to you that I, the Lord thy God will not be mocked, nor will I tolerate your blaspheming abominations. Your wickedness. Your self-righteousness. Your entitlement. Your rebellion. Your ignorance. The tyrant of your sin, the flesh and the devil will be presented before you, during my judgment, which is swift.
Tell the people to return to their first love. One cannot return to me without coming out of Babylon. One cannot sit at the table of demons and also my communion table. Come out of her, my people, lest you partake in her sins and receive of her coming plagues! Return to the cross with fasting and weeping. Wait on me for as long as it takes to soften your numb and hardened hearts.
Will you be like Esau? Will you give me away for a single meal? Will you plug your ears? Will you bury your head in the sand? Will you neglect my word? How do you know if you are in disobedience, if you do not seek out my Word? WILL you be like Esau? When he tried to return back to me, he could find no repentance in his heart. He could not access my mercy and forgiveness. Oh, how the callousness of this stiff-necked people tramples my Son underfoot!
The strong delusion! The strong delusion is here. It is here! It is I, who grants light to the eyes and hearing to the ear! It is I, who brings conviction and repentance to man’s heart. Be aware of the consequences of rejecting my reproof, before I veil you from even the goads that prod your conscience, which you ignore. Do not reject my light when it comes to you, for how many times must it come, before it leaves you to your sin? If you choose to remain or go back into darkness, I will hand you over to hardness of heart and delusion. But if you return to me, I will forgive you and show you mercy. Whoever has, will be given more, and he will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken away from him.
*This is further clarification on the tsunami dream and experience with the undercurrent of religious persecution. God told me to "brace myself", after asking him to take the recurring dream from me. It was roughly 2014.
I didn't, however, because of my love of this world and sin. God allowed the first one to tumble me around for years without catching a breath, so now, I am bracing myself for the next one through intimacy with the Lord and obedience -- which includes securing my feet on his amazing grace and truth.
We will not be shaken, when Jesus is not just our Savior, but our Lord. Don't be tossed to and fro by the vindictive, nasty, religious spirit, which is beyond the worst I've ever met, by kneading the Word deeply into your heart, so that his lies and shenanigans won't stand.
If you regret the years you wasted, ignoring God's warning to spiritually prepare, remember, that he will use it for good, in ways that will stagger the often shorthand view we have of his mercy and sovereignty!
The judgments, coming, will make people question God. The irony of that, is that it's actually the point. Father revealed that many will fall away from faith, out of shock and horror at the perceived cruelty of what is coming. Obedient followers of Christ that are speaking truth will cause people to seeth and revile us, and persecution will begin in a whole new way, as it has been happening in countries like China, Iran and North Korea. People are going to be so appalled at the suggestion or proclamation that it's God's judgment.
Yet, he will allow it. The judgment is withdrawal of his protection for straying into the profane ways of the world and the devil. It's the evil powers that be, who plot so diabolically to bring such appalling destruction. God is sovereign over his allowance of which schemes of the enemy come to pass, for the ultimate purpose of demonstrating his righteous judgment and to shake people to repentance, lest they perish in hell with their sin, pride and it's penalty, which is eternal hell. The wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus, our Lord. Humble yourself before him, and he will lift you up!
God Bless You.
*This word spoken aloud and elaborated on, during this live:
(Minute marker 41:41 on Christmas)