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  • Writer's pictureTaryn D

Prophecy For America

Tell the people. I am following my program in Isaiah 3 for America.

Because of your rebellion, I have allowed foolish and immature leaders to preside over your nation. Because you have subverted my ways and serve after foreign gods, expect a Jezebel to rule over you, by way of death.

By way of death and deceit, you have rebelled against me, and by way of death and deceit, your idols will be revealed to you as the oppressive slave masters that they are. Take heed of my Word. Rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft.

Your nation has corrupted my holy ordinances for the family. My design to reflect the headship of Christ, the bridegroom and the submission of the bride, the church. True worship is obedience.

Who are you obeying? Who are you worshiping?

Wisdom comes from fearing me and me alone. There is no life apart from my word. Apart from me. Apart from my Son. Satan has corrupted your minds, through temptation, the lusts of your flesh and the so- called "news" and entertainment. For I say, husbands, Love your wives and honor them as the weaker vessel, and see to it that you do not lead them in the way of stumbling lest your prayers be hindered. Wives, love and obey your husbands as the Lord so that they may be one without a word by a meek and gentle spirit that is precious in my sight.

Daughter, these people honor me with their lips but are like Ahab and Jezebel, not honoring my precepts or walking carefully in my instructions – allowing all manner of abominations into their home, because of their ignorance of my word, sin and worldliness. They have been seduced into worshiping Baal. There is nothing new under the sun. This is a serpent dynamic.

Tell the people, because you fornicate daily, through disobedience to my Word, and have not repented at my rebuke and have denied my Holy Spirit that has come to convict you and bring you into freedom, I will instate this loathsome dynamic to govern your nation. By way of death, you have sinned. And by way of sin, you shall surely die. For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus, our Lord.

Repent now and I will have mercy on you, individually. Repent now and plead for the blood of the Lamb to wash away your iniquity from my sight. I do not despise those who are contrite in heart. For while you were still sinners, Christ died for you. You love because I first loved you. And I am faithful when you are not.

My work is finished. Paid in full. Trust in my redeeming blood. Abide in me and I will abide in you and complete the work that I have started. For My grace is sufficient to pull you out of the world and into the way of my kingdom which is foolishness and incomprehensible to this world. The darkness cannot comprehend the light. Do not be familiar to those of the world. If you are not distinguishable from the world, return to the cross!

I do not hold my anger forever nor treat you as your sins deserve when you are in me. Let your conduct bear witness to your faith. For I am returning for a chaste bride who is pure and spotless and unblemished from this world.

Forgive anyone who has wronged you and pray without ceasing and my mercy will flow to you freely and raise you up as a standard for the nations, as lawlessness increases. Those who love me obey my commandments and my commandments are not burdensome. They are life and liberty.

You do not have a high priest who cannot sympathize with you and your weaknesses but one who has been tempted in every way like you so that he can also be faithful to provide for you a way out. Take the victory by active faith in my son and my resurrection power and grace within you will bring transformation. If you have faith in Christ then the sin that dwells within your members has no power over you.

Repent now. Time is running out. Fall upon your faces before me and pray that I will have mercy on you. Come and trade your yoke of bondage for my easy yoke. You cannot serve two masters, for you will love one and hate the other. Choose this day whom you will serve.

The Holy One of Israel

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