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  • Writer's pictureTaryn D

Yeshua's Deliverance is Complete

As I have mentioned in past messages, the Lord has told me that there will come an end to this assignment, because of the beginning of another one. That time is coming soon. I share this to edify the precious body of Messiah and declare his faithfulness to our prayers and petitions.

Mystery Babylon and the dragon includes the internet, especially at the onset of what is about to unleash on here, from the pits of hell. People will not detect what is swallowing them -- the church included, who has not made the second exodus out of Sodom and Egypt. I have learned to pray this, since 2020, in accordance to what Yah commands here. All glory to his precious Word, because it's not been easy.

"PRAY that your flight may not be in winter or on a Sabbath. For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been from the beginning of the world until now, no, and never will be. And if those days had not been cut short, no human being would be saved." Matthew 24:19-30

Please pray and dialogue with the Lord about this. I believe that for those who delay following the Lamb all the way out of "her", will finally "go" ... But it will be in the midst of great terror -- at the crux of a time of catastrophe and raging persecution. This will make it far harder, than if it were, say, summer.

One of my most fervent prayers is to be the gospel with shoes on ... To go "from house to house" or face to face. (Matthew 10) We need to be in the Word more now, above anything. The secret place with the Holy Spirit -- in our Sukkah (tabernacle). I pray that he reveals to each and every one of us how to tabernacle with our bridegroom, in each situation.

Blessed are the feet of those who proclaim from the mountaintops to Zion, your God Reigns! The shoes of the gospel of peace are a part of the armor of God. Armor is an extension of the right arm of Yahuah (God concealed), which is Yeshua (God revealed in Jesus Christ).

The sandals of the gospel of peace (Eph. 6) are for physically carrying the good news. The Lord has used, appropriately, foot pain to teach me where I have not been in obedient to his precious Law. It's not about warning anything -- we can't. It's about trusting that God knows our bodies, souls, hearts and minds better than us, because he made them -- and that his law system has been put wisely in place, to protect us from harm. There are spiritual implications to everything physical, within us and around us -- and either holy or demonic. There is no gray God. And there are no gray demons either. They are setting traps and prowling as predators. If they see an area that's not protected, they will make the most of the opportunity. We are told not to be ignorant of the schemes of the enemy. To be wise as serpents and gentle as doves.

There is only so much that God will do for us, while we are in violation of his law. Even if we are already justified by faith in the death and resurrection of Jesus. His law is good and I want to love it as much as David in Psalm 119. Yah will never toss aside his law in the name of greasy grace. He must abide by his own law system.

Satan is very crafty at tricking us into disobedience. Think of how long he and his kingdom have been at this. Fallen angels are immortal (though their ends is eternity in hell). They have been scheming and cultivating their craft, before man was even created. And because they came from the kingdom of God and chose to rebel - they know how his law works.

Lucifer seduces us into granting unclean spirits a legal right to oppress us. He hates God's law as much as he reviles the cross of justification. He eclipses it from our view by sweeping us into curses with blind guides and wolves in sheep's clothing. (Our own mind can be a blind guide too, which is why we are commanded to take every single thought captive to the Lord.)

Satan's highly advanced bureau and network of deception seduces those who are zealous, under the guise of legalism or greasy grace to pick and choose what to obey. For example, my cavalier attitude about the Sabbath, because I grew up in the harlot church and was blinded, then, proud in my own rationalizations, ... THEN, afraid of man's opinion and of being alone, then, confusion .... And then, deliverance through submission, before understanding and a love for it was granted.

Anybody who grew up with a tyrant for a father understands the anxiety that comes with the burden of perfectionism. Just as much, anyone who grew up with no rules, boundaries or a neglect of instruction and discipline.

The perfect of the risen Lamb died so that we can delight in his Law, and walk it out. So that we can delight in it. In Him. His law helps us to know him better.

How long was Yeshua waiting for me to just stop forgetting his law, so he can rush in and redeem it? It hurts a parent when their children rebel, against what is good for them. Or, how it feels and what it means, when a spouse is unfaithful. The Lord disciplines those whom he loves, like a good Father. And he protects us, like a good husband. Both his rod (his discipline) and his staff (authority) should comfort us. (Psalm 23)

Abba loves us so much and will show us boundless mercy, greater than any of our sin, when we are submissive and obedient. Let's be grateful for every affliction and season of suffering. Even Yeshua learned obedience, by suffering -- and he was perfect! Perfect for me, so that I can disobey the commandment to remember the Sabbath and keep it holy? As Paul said, "by no means!" Jesus Christ did not come to abolish the law, but to fulfill it and pave a holy (set apart) path for us into glory.


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