Yah is angry. The Ruach has exposed another one of the devil's devices. A recent theme in the ministry of the casting out of demons and closing doors are portals in the disguise of many amusement park rides, water slides, and arches (monuments).
I was once sucked into a vortex of a miserable family night by walking through an entrance framed by shipping containers and painted with a beautiful mountain mural reading, "the portal" at a bike track with a garden of food trucks and more. We were invited by someone that the Lord had cautioned me about, but whom I was hoping to make peace and share the light of Yeshua with. When they met us there, it was clear by the lack of attention that the reason that we were invited to meet them there, was not for our company. I took the bait, repented and closed it with the blood of the Lamb.
I was not sent there by Yah, and so, I was not covered. I also had unrepentant sin - lawlessness- because I was neglecting some commandments in the name of grace and the new covenant. Holes in my armor.
This is how the risen Savior takes shape within us. Yahushua - the Right Hand of Yahuah is seen over and over again, throughout what was falsely labeled as an "Old" Testament. Not just a cameo, here or there in what seminary calls a "theophany".
The Spirit gives LIFE to the "dead letter." It does not remove it.
Father, help us delight snd love your law as much as David in Psalm 119. We want to experience the reasons why. Help us to love you, rightly. Not with sentiment or emotion, but by obedience. Forgive us for our sacrifices and offerings that are foul, because they are not what you have designated in your Word, but rather, conceived by our own opinions and unsanctified desires. No matter how well intended, help us to recognize the scheme and turn it back, swiftly. We repent for expecting you, Abba, to serve our unsanctified good intentions. Hallelujah.