Okay we are not messing around here, guys. 🫨
We don't fear the wrath of the oppressor, but this is a humbling reminder that it's by Yah's mercy alone, that our lives are preserved at all.
The second heaven opened its jaws today, very suddenly, in the middle of a hot, sunny, blue sky day.
This happened after dinner, after a day of studying the levitical law in the Word alone -- free of commentary, and dividing the word by looking behind the lies of English with the Hebrew and Greek, as was originally written. My sister is tremendously gifted at praying for knowledge on how and why, Yah's laws are what they are. The gift of the power of attorney is as important for healing the sick -- we need both Law and Spirit (two witnesses, Moses and Elijah) He is so awesome, wise and good.
Today, we were pouring over the Word for understanding and revelation about unclean foods, because of what happens when practicing deliverance. And, repenting of relying on food as our sustenance, medicine and fountain of youth, when Yeshua, our daily bread and manna, nourishes and sustains us with his perfect love.
I see that Yah selected the time stamp for the video. Praise Him: https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Leviticus%2011%3A30&version=NIV
This is a big tantrum from Lucifera, the queen of heaven and the harlot church of Revelation 18. Her schemes are exposed, and she's lost the power of intimidation and fear. I don't want to marvel at the enemy, but if she can do that, we better tremble in terror of what Yah can do and will, surely.
There is currently an army amassed in the sky, behind a huge bar of dark cloud that descended on this sunny day, just prior to this sudden display of rage. One of the clouds is shaped like a giant serpent. I can see through the clouds, what's behind there, flapping and hovering menacingly, but they can't hide forever. Soon, all will see. Gird your loins. The aim-fire that is about to happen requires that we go on the offensive.
May El Shaddai bless you with His mighty right hand, Yeshua, on your behalf. 🕊️
Remember that Lucifer was tossed out of Heaven as Satan, with the thunderbolt of Yahuah. Yahweh is in complete control. Death has lost. Praise EL SABAOTH.
Yeshua calms the storm: https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Mark%204%3A35-41&version=NIV