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  • Writer's pictureTaryn D

The Seven Thunders

Updated: Aug 6

Revelation 10 Prophecy, fulfilled 📜

Is "Jesus" the Cornerstone of a house with no form?

Is he the narrow gate to nowhere?

A floating door?

Yeshua said to them, “Have you never read in the Scriptures: “‘The stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone; this was the Lord's doing, and it is marvelous in our eyes’? 🌈 Matthew 21 💎

The glory of the temple: Revelation 21 💎

(21 means to exult my Father, in strong's concordance.)

We need to get securely inside the ark of the covenant for the days of Noah. ⛈️ The second exodus is here, in the power of the two witnesses upon the remnant -- Law and Spirit (Moses and Elijah). 🌳🌳🪔🪔

The 144, 000 are the dimensions of the temple, both the original temple and the third temple -- Yeshua's followers. 12×12. 12 tribes of Israel. They are his first fruits. His righteous, right angled "square" people who love him and obey his commandments -- not calling them trivial (Ez. 8, Rev. 10-11, Zech. 2) 📐📏 ⚖️

This is the third temple. This is the third day. Remove the veil by taking your eyes off of political charades and follow the Lamb, wherever he goes, to bring in his Harvest of souls unto salvation. 🌾

If "God knows your heart", then You should know that he wrote upon it his law (Hebrew letter, shin). See message below (video), entitled, "Aaliyah Shin Oya" for photographic evidence and the prophesied regathering of Israel. It wasn't what happened in 1948 with the establishment of the physical land. Look closer.

If we are, like Paul, resolving to know nothing except Yeshua and him crucified, then his resurrection will transform us into his likeness, through the Holy Spirit, the Rouach Hakodesh. Knowing Christ and him crucified, is the crux of our turning. Repentance. It means that death doesn't exist and sin (lawlessness) is cleansed. Death is a liar, unless you serve it.

Tongue: OYA na kashta nah Abba (etc) . . . . "Father, please do not turn them over to the woes! Please, I beseech you to have them hit the mark, through Yeshua."


"Missionary Style" is epipipto-ing. More happens on these missions, than verbalizing the strong delusion. The transference of satanic spirits or forbidden knowledge -- enlightenment of Lucifer to others -- is sealed by sexual seduction or rape.

The original sin of the "apple" is sexual perversion with Lucifer, for the purpose of becoming more illuminated. The illuminati is responsible for the evangelical Christian church and its missions to the vulnerable.

Within marriage, where one spouse is faithfully walking in covenant with Yah, the Holy Spirit (the Ruach) does the same thing, but for life and freedom and truth -- for the revealing of Yeshua, the Messiah. The unsaved spouse is sanctified by the transference of the Neshema (soul), Rouach (Spirit) while going "eye to eye" and "foot to foot."

This is also how the dead was raised in scripture, if you look at the scenarios .... it is usually more than just a laying on of hands. (Don't allow anyone to just hug you or vice versa.)

This is really amazing, but also, horrible to think about. Yeshua is furious and exposing it, as should we, who follow his Love. I cried for a long time, too. Let the tears cleanse you of the influences of harlotry in the church. The serpent seed is not some false doctrine. It's reality.

Please read lamentations 2, 3 and 4. This will help you, and grant further understanding about the need to come out of the apostate church. All the way out.

Yah bless you, in Yeshua's name. He is the only one worthy, of opening the scroll. Anathema Marantha🕊️

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