Hebrew is a divine language that carries frequency and resonance, which is why scripture tells us that faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of Yah.
The little book that tastes sweet, but is bitter in the belly, that John eats in the book of Revelation is the English or King James Bible. Tracts. It veils the gospel. Mystery Babylon and the great harlot, that rides the beast (the 7 continents) drinks the blood of the saints. Scripture says that she will be judged for her ships and exports.
This is not a future prophecy. She drank mine in the synagogues. Yeshua rescued me. The mighty right hand of YHVH delivered me from Jesus Christ. It is only by his Mercy. That I might be saved and testify as witness to the power of the resurrected Lamb, who is still raising from the dead, those who believe and follow him. He is not on the cross anymore. He is not in the tomb anymore. He is reigning in glory and revealing his first fruits, for the sake of the harvest. Enter through the narrow gate.
The seven thunders represent the seven continents that the Evangelical Christian church has taken this deception to. The angel has one foot in the sea, and one foot on land, representing the beast from the sea (chaos) and the beast from the earth (Jesus Christ, the lawless antichrist Messiah). The double-mindedness of Israel / the church is under judgment.
YHVH is pronounced "Yah-ho-Va" , "Yeh-Ho-Va" or "Yahweh" (YAH - weh)
Yahushua is his right arm, and only begotten Son. I means, "Yah is my Salvation" Pronounced:
"Ya hu sha"
"Yah hu shu wah"
"Yeshua" (Yeshu wah)*Aramaic ... Kind of like when you say a word really fast and over time, it starts to blend together.
Practice using the name above all names. The ONE who IS. The I AM that I AM. All who call upon the name of Yahushua Hamashiach (the Messiah) are saved. He cannot resist those who call upon him, knowing their depravity, poverty, and desperation for his salvation. Yahuah is Love.
(Jesus and his Father God are Lucifer and Satan, and do not know love. Only pride, torment, fear, jealousy, hate, death and murder. See the false prophet in Revelation.)
Soon, we will know the pure Name of Yahweh Elohim, apart from the nail and the hand. His palms of love hold us forever, who believe. Who trust and obey. Revelation 19:2 🪔 "His eyes are like a flame of fire, and on his head are many crowns, and he has a name written that no one knows but himself."
I put together two playlists with the Rouach Hakodesh (His Spirit), as a gift to Israel, the church who is making the second exodus. Just as he did then, he will make bitter waters sweet, with his rod of justice. Yeshua Hamashiach. The Savior.
(More "ambient", for ministering, whether to self or others)