The cornerstone that the freemason builders have rejected has become the chief cornerstone. #truthandreconciliation is another half - truth deception that got out ahead of real exposure, with controlled opposition. Please join in fasting prayer, that Yahweh will raise up God-fearing, sober young deliverers in the midst of these ravaged communities. He will send the Rouach Ha’kodesh to surely do it. And if he sends you, prepare to be courageous and blessed.
I was walking along the shore, worshiping my King, when I was overcome by a burden of prayer for the first nations communities and false social “justice” that cannot even begin to remedy the real issue. There were no native americans around, but the tears began to flow and meet the salt water. He's so beautiful and tender, even in his ferocious justice and love.
A few hours later, an intoxicated, young first nations woman, came bounding towards me, across the beach in the dark, like a giant three year old, for a hug. As if we were best friends.
My heart softened immediately, and so, I hated rejecting her hug, especially with her crestfallen reaction. But, I’m learning to be obedient to what Yeshua is showing me about the transference of spirits, in our Father’s awesome law (see “epipipto” in strong's concordance.) I could feel Yeshua's love for her, and trusted that, if I was faithful, despite what I wanted and felt was best, then he would be faithful, too.
And he was. Later, I realized, in awe, how much potential fruit is stifled by human touch at the start of an interaction, because of the transference of the spirits at work within a person, now having access to you, to manipulate the conversation and stifle the living word. Since I experienced this in action, I have repented for thinking that I knew better and for inviting cultural inventions to hijack the power of the Rouach, before the conversation even began. Boy, can we ever “nice” ourselves and others all the way to hell.
The woman, in her early twenties, confessed that she didn't know why she even ran to me. I did. It wasn't me that she was running to. I told her that I was so blessed to meet her and about the body of Messiah. The sanctuary of the true church.
She said that she could see light, as I was walking down the beach and her body just bolted. At first, she assumed that we held similar beliefs. “You can see and intuit spiritually, I know, as your people have learned to do -- but, it's by the power witchcraft.”
“Is witchcraft wrong?" she asked. Her child likeness was so sweet. But, I had to be honest.
“Punishable by death," according to scripture. "That's why the gospel is such good news.”
She told me that she believed what I was telling her and that she wants to believe it, too and is going to "try to believe more." I told her that it only takes a mustard seed and that we can ask Yahweh for more faith, so as not to feel like we are having to "flex" to get Him.
When I mentioned that the God of the “bible” was who I was worshipping, when she ran to me, a demonic, mocking antichrist spirit manifested with a sudden outburst. She immediately apologized. I smiled and said, it's okay, there are few of us defects from the world and people are quite shocked to discover that we still exist! And that we aren't crusty old dusty Bible people stereotypes. The Word is living. It's the Savior!
This precious woman was starving. Despite being drunk and interrupting a lot, she asked honest, hard questions. I gave her honest, hard answers.
She was quick to say, “I agree that what you are saying is true. But then, God just doesn't care about my people. Everyone but us."
As despair rose in her voice, tears filled my eyes. I said nothing for a while, except to hear the pain. I eventually sat down on the sand, next to her. She sat down, next to me. Still, for a moment and then flailing around like a tormented starfish, unable to control her movements or rest. Eventually, she caught the river of Yeshua's peace again and stilled. Quiet tears dripped onto the sand.
“I want to read you something,” I said. “May I?
I read to her my post (linked), from April 17 on Instagram, about Yeshua's heart beating for her people, inviting them into faith and his covenant. Healing. autonomy. She spotted a shooting star, hoping it was a sign and filled her hands with sand.
"I can feel God in nature," she said, in awe and then frustration. "But, that's it – nothing more." Satan was more real to her, she continued to say..
"You're right", I said, "In Romans, Yah says that he has revealed himself through all that was made, so that man is without excuse for not knowing him. Mother Nature gets a lot of credit for God's handiwork -- but it's a counterfeit to keep us from the true creator."
“Who IS God?” she eventually asked. Then, she glanced over her shoulder again, nervously noting that the group of friends that she was with were letting us be, but asked if we could speak more quietly. She was clearly in awe that no one had come to interrupt or join us.
“You're hearing for them, too, I said.”
“I think so . . . “ she trailed, thoughtfully.
“If you follow Yeshua, he will use you to rescue your people. He loves you. And he loves them, too. He has seen everything and he is so grieved – even more grieved than you are. Let me tell you about his justice and his law. And why we need the Lamb to help us walk in it. I shared the gospel.
She swallowed down again, the rising despair in her voice. “I need that.” she answered.
“If you want him, truly, Kazie, you will have him. You can have him, right now. You can despair in his arms and he will heal you. In the arms of His Word and in prayer. He's my friend. You can talk to Him, like we are talking now. We know that it's Him by knowing the Bible.”
“I do.”
“Then, confess him. Scripture makes it plain. Confess with our lips that we are a sinner and that we believe that Yeshua Ha'mashiach the Christ is the Son of God, who died to pay for our sins and was risen three days later, to take us with him into eternal life.
She hung on every word. But, could not receive my note with the Word, into her purse, for fear of her boyfriend (handler) seeing or finding it. Not that he'd be angry about the scripture, but because she didn't want to look like she was asking for help, I believe.
Her handler came over and stood next to us, then, saying nothing to me. As he spoke to her, she suddenly grabbed her ribs as if she had just been skewered. My heart shattered, as I knew why, thinking of my own, years, yelping on the bathroom floor, trying to get my head in the toilet to vomit, while electrocution shocks coursed through my ribs, without mercy. Satanic Ritual Abuse.
She yelped, “Jesus Christ!” as a response to the sudden stabbing, and I saw that it was “Jesus Christ” who had done this to her. It often is. Some costumed or entity "Jesus", either doing satan's bidding to her, or standing by without intervening. The synagogue of Satan having her atone for her own sins, through horrific, soul-fragmenting, abuse, thereby leaving her in both the hell and gift of Dissociative Identity Disorder.
I did not take offense. But, it confirmed why I was led to use the original, real Hebrew names for God. To skate around the mind control and the triggering and show her the narrow gate, for real.
Her “boyfriend” offered her a bottle of whiskey in his backpack, for her display of sudden pain at his presence. She grumbled and kicked the sand. Then she got up and walked off, with him, without a goodbye. Which I pray, in retrospect, is meaningful.
There isn't a social service that does not simply reprogram the Native Indian into leveling down in hell. There will be no truth and reconciliation with abusers and liars or "social" justice. Not in a world that we are called to come out of. Only the ministry of reconciliation to Yah, through the gospel of Yeshua Hamashiach.
Please pray for a divine rescue on Kazie’s behalf. Yah wants to raise her up as a deliverer. I could feel his love for her and longing for her to follow him. She's going to be important.
When you see the spell break off of people at the use of Yahweh’s original names, it becomes even more apparent how twisted and demonic the church has made the name of Jesus Christ, shutting the door of the narrow gate into salvation and eternal life in their faces, with the savior that they claim to love and serve.
People in this kind of darkness hate the only name under heaven, by which we must be saved. I don't want to have to tell people about what happened to me with men dressed as Jesus. So I don't. I ask my Father to forgive them or deal with them. They do not understand.
The adrenal body type of Native Indian testifies of horrors and satanic ritual abuse in the vein of MK Ultra. Their typical physical markers are not what I see in photos of previous generations, that had statuesque, warrior genes. Lean, but strong. Proportionate. The adrenal body type is an excess of cortisol and adrenaline in the system. Nephilim DNA experiments and adrenochrome reserves.
Their alcoholism is not so much for escape from pain, but is programmed into them, as a means to perpetuate mind control and nazi experiments, without them actually being physically there. Yeshua taught me that alcohol thins the blood, so that Spirits can come in and out. If you look into the startling etymology of the word, alcohol, you will understand why it is called spirits.
The more spirits that are flowing and thinning the blood stream, the more power the spiritual realm has to continue the experiments and Nephilim activity, without even being physically touched.
If you can do one thing, when ministering to a first nations person, leave them with the name, Yeshua. Give them the name of the door. The narrow gate. The Way. Ignore everyone else's opinions. Yeshua said that he came, only for the sick. Not for the "righteous", but for sinners. The proud don't need a Physician. And so, they don't get Him and remain I'm their sin and its eternal penalty.
Burn it down and burn it up, Yeshua - all curses pertaining to the wages of sin. May we dance on top of the ruins of the Babylon that persecutes the living stones of Yahweh’s church, for holding the line and setting captives free. May we trample on the interception of the harlot church that controls the aboriginal community – who has craftily prevented them from knowing the real Savior, so that they can never escape. For we were such as these. And are healing by the blood of the Lamb, the word of our testimony, and by not loving our lives unto death.
Christ's divine body was broken and crucified for us, so that we would be made whole. The tomb and cross are now empty. He rose from the dead! The Kingdom of Heaven has come near to you! This is the gospel.
If you are led, please fast and pray on behalf of those who live on these reserves and also those with any trace of bloodline associated with this holocaust of the undead. The blood of Yeshua cleanses the bloodline of the curse of sin for all who believe in the crucified and RISEN Son of God and who walk in his Covenant. In the Way. The first nation is Zion – bringing liberty to the captives and sight to the blind. He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. Every tribe and tongue will confess that YESHUA HA’MACHIACH THE REAL CHRIST IS LORD AND KING. Halleluyah.