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  • Writer's pictureTaryn D

Resources for Those in Captivity to the Beast

Updated: Aug 13

Yah is faithful. Good resources are hard to come by. As with all things that are not the written word of YHVH, chew the meat and spit out the bones. Below are some of the resources that he has gifted me with in my personal healing and deliverance marathon. This is for those who want to be healed, educated and watchful.

I pray that the Holy Spirit will lead to you, according to what you need - either for your personal healing, in the ministry of the gospel, or to simply understand and support someone who is suffering.

The most important thing is the power of the living Word of God, confession and prayer with the body of Christ, who is walking faithfully in covenant. Obedience to Yah's law is paramount, because the beast system of mind control thrives on lawlessness. (The antichrist is the man of lawlessness.) Yeshua is still eager to perform miracles. He is the same, yesterday, today and forever. The body of Messiah is self-healing, because we have a divine head. "We have the mind of Christ." (1 Cor. 2:16) Be sure that your brethren are not two - headed. Beastly. Discern the body.

Understanding the real pandemic, the Beast in Revelation (Mind Control) and how to deprogram is important for the last days. 2/3 of the population has DID (dissociative identity disorder). Everyone is becoming a scholar on narcissism, a convenient solution from Lucifer to help victims of abuse and point compassion or healing in the wrong direction.

The deeper truth is that narcissism is an unconscious part of protecting a DID system, and that both abuser and victim has it, in some form or another (Or, they wouldn't have gotten together, stayed together, or left to repeat the pattern, elsewhere).

"He heals the broken-hearted and binds up their wounds." (Psalm 147:3) The Hebrew word (strong's 7665) that was translated to "broken-hearted" is a "shattered soul, wrecked and rended violently." This is the "diagnosis" of many, who are running and being run by the beast system and the dragon in the book of Revelation. As well as the harlot who rides the dragon (the Babylonian church). This is the human condition, bound to sin and death. Babylon means, "Confusion". The gaslight is strong. As lawlessness increases, so does suffering, chaos and brokenness.

There is good news! Not a single case of DID is created in a vacuum, but within network (parents, relatives, teachers, pastors, spouses etc.) This world is the Sims, and is run by the control of satan, that lying serpent of old (now, the dragon) and his well-organized minions that have been perfecting this sorcery, since Adam and Eve. Because of technology, both overt and undisclosed, it has become "the beast." Yeshua (Christ) is the only door to free will, agency, autonomy, wholeness and healing. It is finished. Paid in full.

DID is a gift, not a mental illness, that enables a person to survive the horrific trauma of their past, until the different parts of a person are brought into safety and ready to integrate. As with all things good, the devil uses it to his advantage. Please do not presumptively do "deliverance ministry" and attempt to cast out parts of a person, that a person needs, or demons that will just return with friends, when another part of the soul emerges to open the door, who lacks understanding. Many people have fragments that are still children. Or, parts that are cult loyal and need to be won over to repentance before integration can occur.

Salvation ("Sozo" in the original Greek manuscript) means wholeness, healing, rescuing and more:

We have accumulated, below, some serious resources for those who want to be effective in ministry or need healing and are willing to put in the work. Every single secret society in the Illuminati (and there are hundreds) answers to the Vatican. All roads still lead to Rome, except for the Way, the Truth and the Life --Yahushua Ha'mashiach, the true Christ and Son of God, YHVH. The true Savior, amongst many counterfeits. It's not an easy exodus, but it's worth it:

"Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you entirely; and may your spirit and soul and body be kept complete, without blame at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. The one who has called you is faithful, and he will do it." (1 Thessalonians 5)

As we are exiting the matrix, expect those who are still under the mind control of the beast to glitch around in circles. I know that it's troublesome, but don't react. Don't fear. Understand that they are just running the programs and protocols. Pray that Yahweh will break it down. Allow it to take its course and be patient. His timing is also for the protection of those who are still under this -- the Strong Delusion (2 Thess. 2). Yah hardened Pharaoh's heart, so that he would pursue the Israelites with chariots. The Israelites were terrified. But, Yah had a plan. He sent the pursuit of murder and captivity after Israel, for the purpose of drowning the enemy in the red sea. It is the same for the second exodus, if the blood of the Lamb is leading us.

Guard yourselves against fear and offense. Be wise as serpents, and gentle as doves. You know, how we "are not our own", according to scripture, because we belong to Yah, as his temple? Well, neither are they who act treacherously. The antichrist is enthroned in the holy of holies of their temple. Furthermore, there is a specially installed program by the dragon, from a young age, to create terror around the Revelation of Jesus Christ, Yeshua Ha'mashiach, and therefore, rage against those who hold fast to the words in this prophecy.

May Yah bring shame upon the heads of your adversaries, for the sake of their humiliation, conviction, repentance. May they be brought low, by their lawless works, idolatry and wicked schemes, so that they too, will receive deliverance. That is mercy, so that we do not take our sins to the grave, because if we do, then we shall surely stay there.

May the Lord of Hosts, El Sabbaoth, drown this iniquity in the red sea of the blood of Yeshua and lead you to the land of your inheritance. Oneness with Yahweh, the Father. It's worth it.

Personal playlist of testimonies and interviews reflective of my personal experience. Illustrates the distinct patterns in the cult playbook, to know what to expect when getting out -- and encouragement to remember that it's worth it:

The Second Exodus, in Scripture:

Directory of known ritual abuse sights (this is old, and there are far more, but it can be helpful):

Diane Hawkin's Restoration in Christ Ministries for a shattered soul, Dissociation, DID or Ritual Abuse:

The Mark of the Beast vs. The Mark of the Lamb:

Education about MKultra and the beast:

Prayers of renunciation:

Ryan Reynolds' testimony (audio book) Snatched from the Flames, on his ministry channel, the Linen Railroad:

Love for Yahweh's law, the covenant and promised justice for those who obey Him (The Key of David):

Dayz of Noah -- dissecting the beast system and the new world order in cult-ure (programming):

Healing for survivors of satanic ritual abuse (Freemasonry, the Illuminati, cult-ure and more):

Government Mind Control for DID (the matrix of the beast):

Occult ritual calendar, for spiritual warfare, vigilance and protection:

Tee Jay Henderson - Masonic, Govt. Programming:

Illuminati structure and system (the Brotherhood, Mothers of Darkness etc.)

Svali Speaks - Jesuit Cult Deprogramming:

Hypocrisy, abuse and the religious mask:

Worship music with Elohim's names. The true names of God are essential for those programmed or deceived in these cults with Luciferian English names ("Jesus" "God" etc.)

Ambient (few or no lyrics) music for ministering and prayer focus:


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