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  • Writer's pictureTaryn D

Monarch Mind Control

All hail the lizard queen of mystery Babylon. A mystery no longer. 🧬🐍

Everyone had been so focused, including me on the reptilian DNA in the jabs that we have completely missed 198 other doors to hell. The monarch program, being the biggest vortex of delusion.

Kronos/Chronos, thanks to Cern and it's hadron collider star gate, has deluded people into believing that everything prophesied is always "about to happen", so that we miss that we are already in the midst of it -- swept away, years ago, already. I am so grateful for Yahweh's Mercy.

Leaving the harlot christian church was worse than the horror stories that I used to watch about people that tried to leave cults like Scientology. That was small potatoes, in comparison to what is happening in the synagogue of satan. English evangelical christianity. The whore of Babylon, in Revelation.

"As much as she has glorified herself and lived in luxury, give her the same measure of torment and grief. In her heart she says, ‘I sit as queen; I am not a widow and will never see grief.’ (Rev. 18)

I'm sharing this, because there are people who want to escape, and I don't want them to make the mistakes that I made, in believing that we will be protected through "faith and grace", if we are rejecting the law of the Covenant or the book of the Covenant for which the Savior came to help us with (the Ark of the covenant for the days of Noah. Matthew 24).

I share in deep, heartbreaking love. And, because the promise in Ezekiel is that if a watchman does not warn, the blood will be on their own hands, for those who are tricked into death, in the name of life. I no longer fear the wrath of the oppressor, or death. Praise Yehu. But THAT terrifies me.

The fear of Yahweh Elohim is the beginning of wisdom. Shunning evil is healing to our flesh. (Proverbs 1-3)

Follow the Lamb. Let the dead bury the dead. (Luke 9)

*Please see description box of the video


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