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  • Writer's pictureTaryn D

Mama Floats

Updated: Aug 21

The first great treasure of my life. A gift from Yahweh. And for Yahweh.

I was contemplating dying my hair, a couple of years ago, as it had begun to testify. "Mom!" he exclaimed, one day, while I was tying my shoes, "Your crown of glory is coming in!"

I will never contemplate it again.

"Gray hair is a crown of glory; it is gained in a righteous life." Proverbs 16:31

"So even to old age and gray hairs, O God, do not forsake me, until I proclaim your might to another generation, your power to all those to come." Psalm 71:8

I wrote my courageous champion a poem this week, because he likes reading Psalms. May it strengthen someone on the narrow path, as you follow the Lamb, wherever he goes:


Justice runs

down Calvary

I brought my cup,

“Could it be for me?”

These bones now talk

Those dead now live

to warn of wrath

to sing, “forgive!”

Our Judge

dotted eyes

and crossed

all tees

before their clubs

could catch the breeze

God shines the light

on all that's done

He will not tarry

Now, who will come?

Justice has been

filed away and

now we wait

we stand

we stay

--- Triumph

Sometimes, after I've been in prayer and fasting for my family, my boys have had dreams together, where they are fighting giants and more. When they wake in the morning, they look at each other from their beds with hair sticking up all over the place, recalling mutual events to congratulate each other on their victories. How awesome is our God?

I learned from this. And I will say it again and again. Yeshua is calling us, not to wait until our testimonies are over, to tell them. It is the testimony of the Risen Lamb and an empty tomb. When we are faithful to testify in the assembly, he is faithful to testify on behalf of us. (Matthew 10:32)

Because, with our amazing Yeshua, our resurrection never ends. It's always unfolding. The gift of our salvation, from the Father is his SON. The glory of His son. And the key of David. His goodness and mercy follows us, all the days of our lives. Let us go tell it on the mountain.

It is not always easy, but I discipline myself to prophesy like my children, who I so fervently pray for, that their faith in the living Word and the power of His blood, will far exceed my own.

📜 Ezekiel 37, The Valley of the Dry Bones prophecy, is about the 144k, written about in Revelation. 12 by 12 tribes and square as the temple measurements. Lawful and zealous in our first Love. Using the Key of David to do the impossible.

37 means war, in Strong's. The good news is that the war is won. Truth Reigns, and therefore, Love Rules. When we know that the end of the story is the consumption of "the story" by Truth, we can rest that all of the roaring waves in between, are nothing but noise that will ultimately serve the purpose of more unveiling. Revelation. Apocalypse simply means, "revealing".

One day, when the storm was raging, I lost my footing. Yeshua spoke to me, through Cooper, to tell me about tornadoes. He said that the eye of a storm is completely calm and still. My precious El Roi, God Who Sees, the pillar of fire and smoke who leads us through the second Exodus, with peace and confidence in the torrent.

"Mama floats" is an inside joke, that Cooper conceived, when I took them to the pool. But for the outside, it's important to remember that in the book of Revelation, there is a dragon and a flood that comes to swallow the Redeemed. Just as with Pharaoh and his chariots in Exodus, in these days of Noah, only the wicked will drown in their treachery, while the first - fruits of God walk on dry land into the fullness of our redemption at the second coming of our King, Yeshua. Those who are dead in Christ, are only sleeping.

Antichrist means anti-anointed, not anti-jesus. Nebuchadnezzar didn't throw Daniel and his friends in the furnace, because they worshiped the God of Israel. Babylon loves all manners of spirituality and religions, so long as we obey the antichrist. Nebuchadnezzar did that, because they did not also bow down to him. We cannot serve two masters. Remember, that it was the church who crucified the Messiah. In the same manner, the synagogue of satan does not recognize the first-fruits and third temple (the man-child). But, soon, many will. See Revelation.

Do not fear those who serve the tyranny of hell and death. If you are walking in faith in Yeshua and in covenant with Yahweh, then it has absolutely no power over you. It's noise and intimidation. Your accusers will flap and cluck, and roar and bark, and glitch all over the place, because you do not serve their slavemaster, the beast, as they do. You do not serve Fear. Oh faithless and perverse generation! As one who has been resurrected from the dead, with no vengeance on my hands (for my Father saw), I know that my time will not come, until it is designated by Him to enter into that final honor of following the Lamb, wherever he goes. The word witness, literally, means "martyr." And to "testify" in Hebrew, literally means, "Do it again, Lord!"

And so, we don't have to fear the pursuit of the murderous spirit of the antichrist. Yahweh has drowned it in the Red Sea of the blood of Yeshua, by the staff of his Spirit and the rod of his law. He did this for us, in his love and mercy, so that we do not fear death. To die is to live in the Kingdom of God. If I have to begrudgingly use videogame lingo, for the sake of my boys, we just respawn. This world is a vapor. But the Word of God and His Kingdom are forever. Are we in it? Then, giddy up.

Hot diggity dog, my son. (Another inside joke) We have so much to look forward to, with Yeshua. You are eternally loved and cherished.

Your favorite song, for my favorite young illustrator and adventurer (and a few others, specially chosen):

Playlist for Cooper and Theo,

Love Mom

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