Going all out for Sukkot (Feast of Booths) that year, was when my youngest decided to follow the King of Kings. 😂 Christmas can take a hike. (Jeremiah 10)
I mean, come on, Yeshua. How can we not want to tabernacle as the bride of such a rich King - Our Majestic King of Splendour. Also known as the Feast of Tabernacles, it is a beautiful feast day to rejoice that the Song of Moses is our song, too.
"And they sing the song of Moses, the servant of God, and the song of the Lamb, saying, “Great and amazing are your deeds, O Lord God the Almighty! Just and true are your ways, O King of the nations!" Rev. 15:3
As I'm typing this, Abba is revealing that someone is feeling left out and cast off. He wants you to know that you can return (repent) to him and that he will embrace you, like the prodigal son, and give you his best. This is about your covenant with Yahweh, however you may have regarded or treated me, because I was healed and loosed to walk out the Kingdom of God, by departing from what is holding you captive.
I understand. I have been an idolator at your table. Yah told me, 7 years ago, that when he heals me, to not be surprised at how people who seem to have my best interests in mind, even praying for me, will gnash and rage.
My sister in Yeshua, who joined me when I made this tent, I once called deceived, led stray by the judaizers and and a wolf in sheep's clothing. It's hard not to giggle, now, at how upside down my understanding of the bible was. Grief, yes. But, what a gift to laugh without fear of the future. This is the peace of our refuge in Yeshua, who teaches us how to walk in the Way. To observe the ark of the covenant, which was David's first love. (Psalm 119)
Obedience to Torah, which is not burdensome, but a delight, will bring all kinds of healing, that you may or may not know that you need. Pull up a seat. 🕊️ Praying for you. 🌻