It all started with pork. Ol’ Beelzebub. Lord of the flies. Lord of unclean spirits. Creating chaos and mayhem.
Did you know that one of the original words for unclean foods in scripture is hybrid? I am so grateful for Strong's Concordance, because of how much the English language has dumbed down scripture. It's grievous.
Pigs were an invention from the nephilim in the days of Noah. They are the only carnivores that humans eat. I read somewhere, once, in a scientific journal, that they even seemed to have some human genes. Satan is obsessed with cannibalism in disguise. He likes to sneak curses in, through trojan horses. To tempt us to disobey the law, because we don't understand. We are not to lean on our own understanding. That's why we have the law. To protect us. Sometimes we don't receive understanding, until we simply trust and obey. He is very generous to give us understanding, when we do -- and as we ask for it. He says that he gives generously to all who ask, without finding fault.
What awoke my love of Yahweh's law, was Christians not getting delivered, including me. My sister in Yeshua and I had been meeting and praying for ages, regarding the impotent and neutered state of the powerless church, because it was not the inheritance of the saints that we read about in scripture. So many women are sick and in captivity, suffering endless tribulation without a break.
Scripture tells us that lawlessness increases prepare for the second coming of Yeshua. There has been no covering for women and children, either in fathers, husbands or pastors, as far as my eye could see. Yah commands men to lead and protect women and children in the ways of his living Word. To bathe them in his living water if scripture. His precepts and covenant promises.
James 1:27 "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."
We petitioned Yah, day and night, to cover daughters and their children, who were being ravaged by pain, illness and more. I was one of them.
Faithfully, hearing our hearts cry for the deliverance of Israel (Yah's own heart) he turned our attention towards the covering that he had already put in place: the Covenant! The Law. The advocate in Yeshua, is for when we do break the law. The blood of the Lamb forgives us. We aren't out to death anymore, for disobedience. His sacrifice for us, ensures that we have new desires and victory to overcome.
It all began when she, just to see what would happen, cast out pork. Surprising manifestation and spirits were fleeing. Every time. Like, when Yeshua cast legion into the pigs and they jumped off a cliff to return to headquarters: Atlantis etc. Unclean foods, it turns out, host unclean spirits. No more tacos al pastor. Emphasis on pastors . . .
Recently, while praying for someone quite young, and tormented, with horrible PMS, whom we were ministering to, Yeshua showed me an obelisk (phallic, Egyptian sun worship). I immediately cast out tampons. There was not only immediate deliverance, but a spontaneous stopping of the flow of blood as I asked Abba if he could do so, until he teaches us how to manage menstruation -- as it is His good design. Always testing the spirits with the Word, it was in “plainer” sight than I ever knew:
This is not only related to the lowering of frequency, but sexual idolatry as well – a little blood ritual sex magick for Horus in the temple.
If we are commanded not to wear these mixes on the outside of the temple of Yah, then putting them inside, in such a sacred place reserved for holiness, is a total violation by satan. I won't go into the rotten fruit and curses that this invites in, but I wept so deeply, later. How could this be? What else, Adonai? Where else are we rebelling against the covering of your protection from curses?
He says, in Proverbs, that a curse without a cause cannot touch us. I was feeling very cursed and weary of fighting the same broken record battles. That is because, there was cause. Lawlessness.
I share this, because I want to encourage people to seek understanding. Yahweh's law is not meant to be arbitrary, just for the sake of testing our faith. He willingly grants wisdom, beauty, and awe of his creation, and, as it relates to the spiritual realm. As we submit, we quickly learn to love the absolute perfect safety and peace that the ark of the covenant brings.
He's so brilliant!
If it isn't obvious, I have been overwhelmed by a truly supernatural, Psalm 119 love for Yah’s law, since seeking the key of David. It feels like a baptism, even.
I'll share some testimonies about his goodness, regarding the law, and the Redeemer of those who break it. But, I will not be teaching or instructing in the law, because I am only just learning to sheepishly submit to it, myself. And, not just the parts that I liked or what made sense to me. I have so much to learn. Many questions. I'm seeking Yeshua, the teacher, for understanding, so that I may walk in the path of obedience.
He's such a good and patient teacher. Father. Adonai. The good shepherd leads us in The Way of perfect peace, one step at a time. And, one hundred fold blessings of all-sufficient grace. I am here for it. His word is so beautiful. All of it, is.
Love is not lawless. Where there is lawlessness, is the spirit of iniquity, death and the man of perdition. The man of lawlessness, also known as the antichrist, hates our guts. That is why he created a false luciferian savior by the name of
Repentance is not a pointed finger of condemnation. It's relief. A change of heart and behaviors. It's gratitude and more love for Yahweh.
Love is not Lawless. Where there is lawlessness, is the spirit of iniquity and the man of perdition. Yah has always hated mixture. He does not change.
*Facts here, are true -- but I would not recommend following this new ager. Pray for him to come to a knowledge of the truth. Yah loves him.
Glory to the Lamb upon the Throne, for his mercy, to patiently lead me under the covering of his grace. He is the Good Shepherd. Redeemer. Savior, Healer and Messiah. Yeshua Hamashiach of Nazareth. The only begotten Son of Yahweh, the God of Israel. Of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. The root and offspring of Jesse. The Key of David. King of Kings and lover of my soul. There's no other name in Heaven, by which we must be saved.
Yah's first fruits have been resurrected from death in the synagogues to bring in the harvest of lost souls unto faith, by singing the song of the Redeemed -- the perfect Love of Yahweh, that casts out all fear (1 John 4).
The Song of the RISEN Lamb. The remnant are those who keep the covenant of Yahweh, through faith in Yeshua. Climb aboard the ark of the covenant. These are the days of Noah. (Matt. 24)
"They have conquered him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony. And they did not love their lives so as to shy away from death." (Revelation 12:11)
First death:
“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven." Matthew 7:21