Is God ever good. I pray you are kept in his peace, and fighting the good fight of faith.
I want to begin this message with a song I posted to my channel. And, with a wonderful free movie, right on theme. It's based on the epic that was written by preacher, John Bunyan, from his jail cell, where he was imprisoned for his faith in the 15th century. My kids and I can't recommend it, enough!
However, these are the kind of messages that cause people to stomp out of here with all of their personal thoughts and feelings. Let it be so, according to His will. The Lord powerfully used the sermon below, in my journey of emptying my head of all that resisted the deep things of God. In submission, "We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ." (2 Cor. 10:14)
I am for the church. I love the church. But, many are drunk on the world that Christ has called her out of. I'm in no way saying, not to gather with the church, unless the Lord tells you to walk and flip that table, because she's a counterfeit den of iniquity. Only the truth found in His Word and the Holy Spirit can reveal this to each of us, if we want him to.
This "501c3" demon was a giant leech, covering the entire face of a very nice man. It was latched so well that the leech and the man were one.
This satanic spirit is after the blood that forgives sin and saves us from death / hell. I was concerned that this man was going to walk off a cliff, because he couldn't see. I was unable to remove it, because he didn't really believe that it was even there. He wanted it. He liked it what it offered. His denial and complacency was rooted in carnality. The natural man is hostile to the true things of God.
2 Corinthians 3:18 says this, "And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit."
Satan hates that we are made in the image of God. He wants the temple. The body. Hence, the government mandate of masking up at church and the abominations of desolation, slithering in through so called medicine, health, and progressive technological advancements.
We don't fear these things, when we have the God who parted the red sea to deliver his people from Egypt - a foreshadow of the blood of Christ, making a way to the covenant promises we departed from. However, it's hard to watch. Like Christian, in Pilgrim's Progress, I need the King's grace, power and comfort to endure all that he shows me, for the purpose of keeping me and others safe. When the Lord told me many years ago that he was taking me on tour, I protested, before submitting.
So, the demon, called 501c3. Merchants in the house of God. Money lenders in the temple. The apple cart that Jesus flipped. And the first sin, entering through Eve, in Eden. Leeches are not immediately detectable. They are deceptive, bloodsucking, nasty, and vindictive creatures. They don't die, easily, even when sliced. This is the revelation that the Word gave me after the dream, in prayer and fellowship.
Don't agree with the devil's devices. Render to Ceasar what is Caesar's - not what is God's.
If the government, and a love of comfort, is not cast out of the church body, because of the single headship of Christ, she will become solidified as a two-headed synagogue of satan, for the beast. Tolerance for Jezebel in the church, is warned about in Revelation 3, and much of the sorcery that is putting people to sleep has to do with "her" cunning and the lukewarm church's lust for the world. As well as, fear of scarcity, when the Jehovah Jireh is our provider.
A spirit of confusion will be loosed like aggressive leaven, in the double-minded, carnally minded harlot church, as judgment unfolds. A demonic breeding ground for deception, the strong delusion, and false light is bringing in the great falling away, as the remnant brings in the harvest of repentance unto salvation.
Let the wheat grow with the tares, until the time of harvest. The harvest is ripe, but the workers are few.
I'm no poster gal (praise the Lord for allowing us to be human). I "walk with a limp." But, below is a picture that I took of myself, after the Lord delivered me from this kind of oppression - this leaven. In my walk through the valley of illness and pain, this had been holding me out from the riches of my inheritance, through simple faith in Jesus.
It took a long hospital stay, and a hellish wilderness, alone, to wake me up, but God used it for good.
Below is my testimony of an event that unmasked the devil, working in the church. In the video, is the act of obedience that caused the devil to so aggressively rush me, to the point needing to close doors and set boundaries, while I learned to be single-mindedly victorious in Christ.
"Keep your heart with all vigilance, for from it flow the springs of life." (Proverbs 4:23)
Much of the witchcraft of leaven is in the words that are spoken. And, the dead letter, without the power of faith in the true God of the Bible. I had to purify my double-mindedness, because my torn heart was destabilizing me with compromise and unity with falsehood. The pain of loneliness, trauma, and a twisted perception of fatherhood created a hole in the protective breastplate of Christ's set-apart righteousness, that protects the heart from the venom of Satan's violent words, cruel actions and false light. He's a good imposter, until he meets a the power of the Holy Ghost. He can't help but lunge to try and strangle the blood of Messiah.
The Lord forewarned me, beforehand, in the post entitled, "The Crossdraft".
In the hospital, I felt the love of Yeshua with a new depth of compassion. His heart was grieving and roving for those who were suffering around me. I didn't care if I had to make a paper airplane to get the gospel message to a patient, it was happening. (A good way to soften a heart to receive it.)
Amidst an anguishing tribulation, I was simply blessed to witness the power of love (the cross and resurrection with the power of the Holy Spirit) subduing and healing symptoms and distress in the patients around me, leaving the doctors and nurses bewildered. Surely, bewilderment and astonishment means that Christ is present! This is all glory to Yah. I was at my lowest, weakest point. It was one of the worst experiences of my life, that Yah swiftly redeemed. The staff eventually allowed me to touch the patients, which goes against their strict policy, as stated on the signs. A transgender nurse was willing to rig a karaoke machine after the gospel made the rounds. We sang, "I got friends in low places." (Needs to be a few lyric changes, lol.) Abba is so merciful and funny. Please pray for them, that the seed of Life will not be be snatched or strangled by "the cares of this world" or vultures, because the soil was good. (See the parable of the seeds.)
As I experienced the compassion and mercy of Abba for the broken, I too, was healed in the places, where I was still carrying shame, fear and unrepentant sin, despite a lifetime of professing Christ. The living water that the spirit of religion was trying to snuff out, became like a geyser, when I experienced the love of Abba for the broken around me and stepped into obedience. I pray that I get to share more of these testimonies, some day.
What a relief. I didn't need to be a "good little Christian" stereotype, from the false church, through the demonic twist on the Proverbs 31 woman (A parable about wisdom, for all. See also, Proverbs 1). The valley of humiliation taught me not to despair at the seemingly hopeless and cruel hemorrhaging of all that I once held dear. Most of it was a lie from hell. Some of us are in our "Jael" era of the Proverbs 31 woman. Of wisdom. (See Judges 4-5)
When the accuser of the brethren comes to steal, kill and destroy and then accuses us of failing, we have a better report. As the protagonist, Christian, laments, after a bloody and triumphant battle:
"It was not your blood," said the King, "It was mine."
Now, that's something to meditate on.
So, why could I minister like this in a hospital, but with so few in the church? In the lost, but too rarely with professing believers? Because, as Jesus said, the disciples could not heal in the town, where there was no faith. No humility. Pride. The form of godliness that denies the power of God.
The lost whom I was ministering Christ to, didn't have faith -- yet. What they did have was humility. Good soil. (Matthew 13) God had brought them low, as a mercy. Just he was doing with me -- to get me out of the harlotry of most modern Christianity and the sin associated. (The strong delusion, prophesied in 2 Thess. 2) The scripture doesn't call salvation and discipleship "Christianity" or "Christians", but followers of "The Way." (Not to discourage the use of the term, depending who you are ministering to.)
Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." John 14:6
The spirit of religion is stronger than the spirit of the age, of this world and any other principality. Go and make fishers of men where the soil is good. Go to the Matthew 5 people (The Beatitudes from the Sermon on the Mount). Go to the broken, Not the masquerade. Go and love upon the broken, humble and contrite, who didn't grow up in "church" and therefore, have been protected from the hypocritical spirit that is hellbent on rejecting the power of God to deliver them into the riches of the Truth. They may have every other demon, but this one -- the one that Jesus rebukes most often and most violently in the New Testament. Are we wasting precious time and energy sowing onto hardened concrete? We mustn't try to compete with the counterfeit Jesus. Wipe the dust from your feet and move on. (Matthew 10)
Institutionalized religion is the most vindictive, aggressive and powerful force of blindness, lukewarmness, false spiritual experiences and confusion. It is the antichrist spirit of jealousy, mind-control and death (Pharmakeia, in strong's concordance, is more than drugs or satan's medical "cures".) Christianity is no different than cults, like, scientology. It's the exact same demonic bureau. The remnant is small. Like, the remaining powder at the bottom of flour jar. Ground to dust. Reborn. Transformed. And very few. It's a remnant, that is true. That endures to the end.
By God's grace alone, in my decrepit and humiliating state, I chose to believe the Word, when the ugly, spirit of the antichrist tried to deceive me into believing his lies, in the name of God. I will say it again. This is the same deaf and dumb, narcissistic spirit of pride, adultery, gaslighting, accusing, deflecting, brainwashing, and bondage that operates in cults, be it 501c3 or not. People need deliverance. The Lord is angry, because he came to rip the veil between us and him, through the cross and resurrection. We are supposed to be ONE with him.
Pray for the discerning of spirits, and away from sources that caused blindness, doubt or confusion.
Faulty assumptions
Mistaken unctions
The flesh does not have
one fruitful function
Passive aggression
A wicked regression
Saccharine veils reveal
pitch black obsessions
Take care, my child
when opinions rise
Scant understanding
is rooted in pride
Gossipers balk
suck and puke out
choice morsels
Lurking and spying
exposed in the shadows
Note spying or silence
The lash, then the quiet
A gnash, sugar coated
is subtle, but violence
The Father of lights
seeks peace and speaks life
A lover will pause
but a fool inflames strife
Take care, my dear
when such temperatures rear
That simmering anger
is rooted in fear
God is above
and speaks peace, like a dove,
"Better is open rebuke
than false hidden love"
"For where you have envy and selfish ambition, there you find disorder and every evil practice."(James 3:16) This is why Jesus called the Pharisees, a brood of vipers. And, why it needs to be evicted from the church. Jesus is flipping this table. Tell them -- or run.
If you are dealing with intimidation, manipulation, domination and confusion, you are dealing with witchcraft in a den of iniquity. There is nothing new under the sun.
In the process of obedience, I too, was healed in the places that I had carried shame and fear! All of the sin that I couldn't see redemption through, came into technicolor, when I met the manifest love of Jesus on this cross, for sinners -- including me. I bring no defense, but the blood of my Savior and Redeemer that justifies me.
When it all comes down to it, this is an issue of sin in the heart. But, if you are led to, you may contact for a printable letter, illustrating it's contingents, alongside the Word of YHWH in the Holy Bible. Sister Janet has also been led to do prayerful research on 501c3 and I could not have done a better job writing, what I will call, a divine a subpoena:
I'm simply here to deliver the message of the Lord. Most pastors that I have shared this with, with tears of living water, springing from my eyes, have just patted me on the head and carried on. Oh the grief! WOE to them! The Lord says, that it is a necessary test, as he is sifting the wheat from the tares. The harvest is ripe, but the laborers are few. Pray eagerly for the Lord of the Harvest to send workers into the field. (Matthew 9:37)
Jesus engaged little, with pretenders and people who are deceived and want to remain in darkness-- only enough to share with them, the narrow door out of wrath and into forgiveness and the family of the Kingdom of Heaven. 2 Timothy 3 instructs us to avoid them, entirely.
God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble. The broken. The messy. The real. The sick. The grieving. The misfit. The broken-hearted. The poor in spirit. The demonized and the criminalized. But, we can't fit through the narrow gate with a bulk of excuses, self-righteousness, other people or anything of this world. We can't enter perfect peace and rest, while we are yoked with those who have not entered it. Hebrews 4:
As I scribe this, Yah just let me know that someone with the reviling "eyes of Herod" is reading this, like those in Ezekiel 33, who follow a prophet's warnings with a lust for divisiveness, judging and self-righteous criticizing. As a spectacle to scoff at.
To the one who will come to listen, to cluck and not heed, I know who you are, and so do you. I pray that you get splashed with the genuine and authentic love that you are rejecting, because of your sin, blindness, and the brainwashing that has been done in schools, churches and the media. I pray that Abba, seeing you watching, so dry and comfortable, on the edge of the water, does a colossal cannon ball.
Know that I love you. This is not about me. I want nothing, except for you to come out of Babylon in the world and in your heart before the wrath, which is rolling in like a flood. You are on the wrong side of biblical prophecy.
I'm praying for you!
The love of God does not forge unity where where there is deception. Not with the harlot church. The leaven of the Pharisees, slithering in many pews is twisting scripture to serve hell, and the LORD wants to deliver you into his light and perfect love, that casts out fear and crushes pride. Come away from the cup of demons and the tables of empty cisterns. Leave the blind guides that lead the sheep into a ditch and follow the Lamb, wherever he goes.
We must not quench the passion of the Christ, the Rock of offense to those who are perishing, saints. That's not love. That is a bloodless, false, oppressive and damnable gospel that saves no one.
If you are upset with this message, please take it up with the Courts of Heaven. The judge loves you, but you've now been served. 💌
God bless you, in Yeshua's name. He comes quickly.