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  • Writer's pictureTaryn D

The Master's Quarry

Updated: Aug 1

Ever since childhood, I love collecting rocks off the beach. I can inspect for hours. A few years ago, I was overcome with the fact that no one could see all of the beauty underneath my feet. In my pockets. In my hands. I fell upon my knees and wept, in despair, because I wanted to collect the whole beach. Take the stones home. Clean them. Polish them and display them proudly.

And no one could see them. How beautiful they are.

Except for the Creator.

The world has been blinded by its father, the devil. This love and eye for true beauty is the heart of our Maker, who gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him, will not perish, but have eternal life. Union with him, perfect love, glory, wonder, and awe. Peace and joy overflowing like both gentle stream and an erupting geyser. Which is a fun adventure. I never know if I'm going to offer a sip of living water or waterboard someone with the glorious truth and only thing that matters. I have been completely delivered of small talk.

Step aside, Artemis. The veneer of your beauty has been exposed as blinders. Idolatry. Babylonian paganism. This English and Art teacher has quit. I'm following the Rabbi. Yeshua, calling to sinners, to make disciples, "Lech Acherai!" It means, "Follow me! You can do as I do!" But it has to be now! Don't look back. The one who puts their hand to the plow and looks back, is not fit for the Kingdom of God.

Yeshua, the Messiah, is the rock that the builders rejected, but he has become the chief cornerstone. He is riding as the rider on the white war horse, prophesied in Revelation, to collect the stones of the foundation of his temple of the New Jerusalem. Soon, we will get to see him exactly as he is, and will be exactly as he is, too. In the meantime, satan has taken the jewels that Yah intended for his crown to use for his evil purposes and his own rancid glory. We are taking them back.

El Roi: God Who Sees

The Master's Quarry: Job 28, Revelation 21

This is the third day. Brace yourselves, oh living stones, in the Rock of Your Salvation. Prepare the way for the King of glory to come in! The flood of his brightness and splendor has risen upon you, Zion! Holy is the RISEN LAMB! Holy Holy Holy!

Yeshua was not a carpenter. That is the Freemasonry Luciferian English language translation from mason, King James. (You can look up the original Greek manuscript.)

Yeshua was a mason. A house builder. His church builder. The Rock. This is the Master's quarry. Not the illuminati freemason counterfeit. Just as my son said once, when I needed to hear it, the living Word of God is weighted, but not injurious.

Are you living stones, or dead weights?

Rise up, Lazarus!

Psalm 118:22

Matthew 21:42

1 Kings 6:7

1 Peter 2

Job 28

Revelation 21

This is the third day!

🌻 Looking forward to reading this book by the courageous

@tee_jay_henderson, today. If you would like to hear her testimony about breaking loose from the slavemason illuminati agenda, you can search for an interview on YouTube or a podcast (it's been a while since l listened, so I don't remember where to find it.)

God %100 Real.

Be blessed in Him. 🕊️

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