The harvest is ripe.
How can we sing the Song of Moses (the song of the Lamb) without the law of Moses?
How can God work justice and righteousness for all who are oppressed, if there is no system of justice? No law?
Why did Yeshua die for us, if the law doesn't count?
How can the two witnesses, through the 144,000 (the third temple measurements) go about measuring Jerusalem and judging with authority, if there is no basis on which to judge? What are you measuring with? Your hand? Your opinions? Your feelings? A slack measuring rope? Or Yeshua’s rod and staff?
Behold the budding of Aaron's rod!
Pharaoh's magician’s erect snakes are about to be given into the hands of the lawless, as judgment. Do not marvel at Basilisk, Jesus Christ lizard or Amaru. The Kundalini spirit loves to play the holy ghost. It is impossible to tell the counterfeit, without the protective covering and knowledge of the ark of the covenant.
The antichrist (the man of lawlessness) will be Jesus Christ's return, to end the chaos and horror that is about to unleash upon the world. He will come in peace and bring peace and everyone will be so relieved and worship him, as they do already, since the establishment of the luciferian English language and the masonic King James Bible.
Don't follow him. Don't marvel at his miracles.
Wait for Yeshua. Keep your eyes upon the east gate. Make way for the King of Glory to return exactly how he says he will return.
Revelation 19
While they are saying, “Peace and safety!” then sudden destruction will come upon them like labor pains upon a pregnant woman, and they will not escape. 1 Thessalonians 5:3
Daniel 11:32
Zechariah 2
Revelation 15: 3-4
Revelation 20:4
2 Samuel 6
Mark 6
Jeremiah 3
Matthew 17
Numbers 17:10
Revelation 11
Revelation 13:15
Revelation 15
Isaiah 58:12