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  • Writer's pictureTaryn D

My Jesuit Ex "Father"

Updated: Aug 29

This is a warning for Bellingham, WA, and affiliates. The tables are turning on your works. Take cover.

Everything that is hidden will be shown, and everything that is secret will be made known. What you have said in the dark will be heard in the light, and what you have whispered in an inner room will be shouted from the housetops. Luke 13:2-3

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Bellingham, WA. Gin is a genie spirit of sorcery, sometimes referred to as "genius" (that of mind control and sorcery, using the brain). See Revelation 18. We must understand, before inheriting the good news through the narrow gate of the Lamb who died for our sin to free us, what we must come out of.

I recorded this Psalm, below, a couple of years ago, after Abba revealed, through the Spirit of Counsel (one of the seven spirits of YHVH 🕎) that a web was being laid for me (against Him) in our neighborhood, Sunnyland, Bellingham. I grew up in Sunnyside, on the other side of the border, in White Rock / South Surrey, BC. All part of the MKUltra trafficking network. There are freemasonic lay lines that run to particular locations across the Canadian and US Border, and then, through the states or to Eastern Canada. It's never a coincidence, when people from your past move to the same locations, schools or places of employment, as you. There are no coincidences in the beast system. Everyone is a pawn on the black and white checkered floor of the masonic temples. Cities and rural areas, alike. These are the last of the last days.

Sunflower is another cult community code and mascot (Black Hole Sun album cover)

Someone, who I love very dearly, told me, more than once, that they have genuinely wrestled with what seems and feels like an existence that is nothing more than a simulation. I had always shut the notion down. But, they were right. We are living in The Sims. However, the simulation is not done by God (YHVH). Yahweh, our Maker, offers us free will, through his son, Yahushua Hamashiach, The Christ. Sin brings bondage, death and hell. The blood of the Lamb brings liberation, cleansing, renewal and life. Life eternal -- unified with Him.

Mind Control is done by the god of this world, who is Satan. The "Prince of the Power of the Air" (Ephesians). Hidden means of mind control is done by the Beast and the Dragon. The man of lawlessness. The Son of Perdition. The only door is Christ. The real Messiah, not the Luciferian one of the Catholic and corporate Christian Church.

Church logo (black hole sun) for Peace Portal Alliance Church, where I grew up.

Matthew 24:29 " . . . And the moon will no longer give light . . ."

Very few people have agency. Most are not living autonomously, as they believe, but are automated by the beast. And, the dragon. (See the book of Revelation, again.) The deception of Mind Control (referred to as sorcery or "pharmakeia" in original Greek) by the "merchants of the earth" is successful by making people think they have free will and are making their own choices. That their desires are natural. And that they are speaking their own words.

The Nazis that founded the church, where I endured Satanic Ritual Abuse. Escaping has been like what people who flee Scientology experience. By the grace of God.

When I asked Yahweh how many, he said, “more than not.” Shattering, but this makes sense and aligns with scripture, which prophesies that in these times, the dragon's tail will sweep 2/3 of the stars (fallen angels) down from the heavens, to earth, to operate people like vehicles into worshiping the beast.

This is the strong delusion, in scripture. The great apostasy. This has been the great falling away, as written. This is not something that is to come. The end-times frenzies are all part of the simulation, to display the always "soon" coming antichrist and a physical third temple, etc. on the Big World Stage. In reality, we are living in it now and the man of lawlessness is you. It was me, too.

Mind Control is the beast and dragon of the last days in Revelation. There are 198 programs under the umbrella of MK Ultra and counting. Monarch, being the largest (the Harlot that rides the Beast in Revelation).

2/3 of people are living in arranged marriages and believe that they chose their spouse. It becomes more evident, as we walk in the light of truth and grace, revealed in the Word of God, that what the world calls love is not love at all. It's a painfully excruciating, and lonely exodus, full of horrific unmasking, betrayal and treachery. But, it's worth it. Yeshua Ha'mashiach, the King of Kings, is worthy. Reconciliation and union with our Maker, through Him, is worth it. I can show you the door to true Love. Perfect Love that casts out fear. True Freedom, in Christ.

There are many different codes for different programs in the Illuminati. I want to address one particular code, today. The sun, according to the Ezekiel 8 end-times prophecy and the false Christ (Tammuz). Companies, towns or schools with the word "sun" in them, are Jesuit centers for MK ultra, in the vain of black hole sun technology and witchcraft. A total vortex and Pandora's box from hell, with a veneer of light (Lucifer). This is the Pharmakeia (sorcery) that deceives in the book of Revelation, by the merchants of the earth. This part of the strong delusion. It's already happened.

Yahweh revealed this to me, as I was praying around our neighborhood, so that I would know which neighbors are victimized marionettes and which are scheming psychopaths, and to continue to bless without fear or vengeance. To be wise as a serpent and gentle as a dove, as his Word instructs. Many are being tormented and are not even able to express it. (Rev. 9:6) I could see that. He showed me what he was going to do with them, so that I would pray for mercy . . . and accept his eventual choice to give it, or not.

I have been fervently praying for mercy, before justice. For a mighty whirlwind to come for Bellingham. "Forgive them Father, for they know not what they do." Yahweh can flip a city with one hand, in one fell swoop. That's what he did on the tree on Calvary. That is the ministry of Yeshua, going from town to town. This is the purpose of his raising a prophet in the midst of a slave city, because of its idolatry (much like Jeremiah and his yoke, to demonstrate the idolatry and bondage that Israel was blind to). This is his mercy, so that they will know what they do and choose repentance, before God's wrath is poured out. The Harvest is ripe, but the workers are few.

For those who know how it works, you will understand the Hail Hydra of the Octopus and the Chicken (hunting) mascot / themes for the extracting of adrenochrome in children, that is only valuable before they are sexually active. I share this for those who still live in the neighborhood, city and ones like it. This is the real economy that we live in - the blood of innocents. This is the beast that the harlot church is riding in Revelation. The many-headed dragon is in full swing. The many heads of those who follow the beast are marked with split personalities. Software programs, installed through trauma. (Dissociative identities) Welcome to the last days.

I don't have a picture of the octopus mural. The neighborhood displays its occultic, pagan, Swedish roots, in a variety of symbols and traditions. It looks like a bohemian Walton's neighborhood. All of the Moloch of Bohemian Grove with the deception of the white picket fence, American dream.

This depth of evil began to come to light, as I labored in prayer about the atmosphere of darkness (having not been given the choice to move there). I became ill, as a result of evangelizing and posting up as a watchman for the neighborhood, in prayer. The warfare was a gauntlet from hell and the onslought never let up.

The previous owners of our house were a gay/transgender Christian heretics that worked for the Salvation Army (a sex-trafficking bureau that pretends to rescue and rehabilitate victims). They burned children in the fireplace. We breathed in their ashes, upon a renovation and I became horrifically ill as a result. (Those in the program were not affected.) I would venture to guess that we would find more than just the few bones that we discovered, while digging a garden, if we excavated the place of the "deceased" Bob and Tekla Walton.

There was a homicide, down our street. Then, the elementary school principal (Lynn) of the school down the block was "murdered in a double homicide". She was a hero in the district for her championing of the LGBTQ agenda (MKultra). The covenant that this principality has made with Satan is reflected in the pride-flag waving around the hood and in the school district's "Bellingham Promise", with its celebratory awarding of perversity and corruption. (Isaiah 3)

As a redeemed ex-public school teacher, in both BC and Washington, in both elite and inner city schools, I have some authority to speak on this. I've been behind the scenes. I did not hide my faith, in fear of the administration. I was a good teacher and never lacked in job offers, with endorsements from my experience at Geneva International School, where International Baccalaureate was spawned and other nauseating "clubs" that will soon be exposed as catalogues for these programs. People liked my genuine love for kids, my ability to connect and my initiative in innovative collaboration. I was a great cog. A "yes" girl. An enthusiastic tool for the beast. It's not a decade that I'm proud of, anymore.

Regarding the homicide of Principal Lynn, I believe that she may have been the shooter. The story in the news makes no sense to someone with a brain that's not under mind control. Those in this program have been installed with what is called, "Omega" software -- a suicide program that activates when the person has been exposed, is no longer of use, or wanting to get out. I was delivered of such a program, by Yahweh's grace, and so I recognize the patterns.

Later, another woman in our neighborhood, who I was praying for, having found her outside shaking, confessed to me that she was suicidal and homicidal. Yeshua healed her, right then and there, by his counsel and power, in prayer. With his Love. The blood of the Lamb. No more PTSD stutter. No more inability to make eye-contact. No more housebound-hoarding. No more wandering around in her pajamas, because she can't fit in her house anymore. She is totally transformed, smiling, dignified and functioning. Even, two years later. These are just a few of many examples. All glory to Yahushua's love and mercy.

This is the world that we live in, underneath the surface. Souls are suffering and don't even remember why, as people are inviting us to barbecues and putting on the show. Following the program. I'm on the floor in my house, weeping, heartbroken and pleading for the souls of men, no longer able to put on a face. No longer required to.

Dirty Dan Harris, founder of Red Light District, Fairhaven, before I knew better. I love Bellingham. But, not for the cult-ure, like I used to. Now, for the sake of those who are in bondage, as I was, that my Savior wants to free and heal. He didn't come for the righteous, but for sinners. Only the sick need a Physician. May we acknowledge our sickness, so that we can gain the Kingdom.

My son reported dreams about the school in the neighborhood, being a factory with German - accent scientists, locking kids in cages to torture and threaten them to death. He said that they were evil geniuses, but that not a single parent believed the kids and that they were just told they were "nightmares". He was 5 or 6 at the time. This is not just limited to our very special, pride flag waving, neighborhood. Our church pastor's family member took the place of the deceased principal, around the time that I was deleted from the church mom's page for asking if anyone wanted to meet and pray for the the schools. Twilight zone.

A Christian in cahoots with this agenda, under mind control, snapped at me once, for discussing this kind of thing, because "we aren't supposed to talk about the darkness". This is biblically false, because we are told that we can only defeat the Antichrist by the blood of the Lamb, THE WORD OF OUR TESTIMONY, and by not loving our lives unto death. The Bible says to have nothing to do with the wicked deeds of darkness, but rather, expose them. (Ephesians 5:11)

The snap of anger came from a demonic fear of exposure, by one of my captors. I was testing her trustworthiness, by casually mentioning something that I read in the news about the rewriting of the ten commandments on Sinai, in the name of earth worship and the climate change "gods". I wanted to know if she was more of a victim or a willful cult member. I tested the water with something "impersonal". I wanted to know how conscious she was, of her deeds. This happened a lot, with those in the network. The least suspecting expose themselves with the spirit of the antichrist, in a snap or snarl of aggression, when we gently shine the light. Not always, though. Some go the other way and get obsessed with researching the very conspiracies that they are a part of. A fragmented soul, split through SRA, is very compartmentalized. Split personalities count on it. It's wisdom to learn how to traverse the buttons and triggers of those around you. My whole life was learning this, for the sake of survival. Now, it is for the sake of ministering effectively. Glory to my Savior and King.

I ignored this viper's lash and continued on, in obedience to my new Father, although I shed many shaky tears in the car, afterward. I was hoping that I was wrong, because I love her so much. Several weeks later, she manifested the antichrist again, without my even prompting. She suddenly turned to me at dinner and said, with eyes like daggers, "I don't like women preachers." I looked around the table to see what prompted this and if anyone else heard her. No one seemed to notice. The restaurant was noisy. There was no context for this seemingly random comment, except demonically inspired discouragement from sharing my testimony. I pitied her.

I know the Word. My Father is the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Elohim. El Elyon. Adon. Adonai. Because of Yahushua, his Son, who died to pay for my sin, I have the help of Yahuah. Yahweh. The Ancient of Days. He has Redeemed me from this pit, and can Redeem you, too.

I wanted to run, so many times, but I remained, collecting all that I could, with the remaining time that I was given. Clinging to his Word, the Bible, with all that I had. Trusting that he is good. And just.

I was raised and trained in espionage for the Monarch program of MKUltra. Because I have a savant - level gift (trust me, this is nothing to brag about), I was attacked with memory loss, and eventually, severe short - term amnesia -- to the point of hospitalization for breaking the oaths that I took under torture and duress, when I was young. I was found in an amnesiac state (a "nervous breakdown") by a new friend, sleep deprived and dehydrated to the point of my lips cracked open, unable to get myself food or water.

Just prior to my hospitalization, I was crying out for help and mercy, with my children at home. No one came. Except for this new, and equally fragmented friend from "church", who was used, unbeknownst to her, against me. I got to meet one of her personalities, that day, who took care of me. I had lost 15 pounds in a manner of days, because I was given an antibiotic from hell called mirtazipine for parasites. Pharmakeia. More sorcery. More lies and attempts to diagnose the truth as a parasitic illness or delusion.

Because of Yahweh's Mercy, he showed me the path of escape, through Yeshua Hamashiach, face down on my bathroom floor. As low as one could get, and then six feet lower. I had been begging and pleading for mercy, since my children were very young. And so, began the onslought of resistance from the pits of hell.

Because of Yahweh's Mercy and the blood of the Lamb, the Lion of Judah came to fight for me. Outside of the eye of my handlers, my fractured parts resolved that it was not hopeless. Faith in Yeshua saves. Redeems. Heals. And so, the things that I was trained and gifted to do, became a weapon against my captors (like Jael or Rahab, in scripture). This began the long process of soul healing, integration and wholeness for the dissociated parts that were subject to torture, from infancy.

I was warned, when taking initiative to book my first counselor for anxiety and panic attacks, about potential "false memories" hurting families. I told my counselor that I was warned about that, by a family member, more than once, when she identified that I show signs of sexual trauma. I had learned to doubt and gaslight myself and was doing it before her very eyes, contrary to the fact that the body keeps the score. Her red flags went up. This was a woman who had lived through the wartorn middle east and understood PTSD, although it was from the perspective of intellect and not the truth of the spiritual realm. The next thing I knew, she and her PHDs were attending the "donut" church of my handlers and exhibiting signs of paranoia. Then, she moved.

I have waited many years to expose these liars. The "blue monsters" that so proudly display their diabolical ways in movies for children (which they call kids/goats). Movies, such as Monsters Inc. and 101 Dalmatians. I grew up with a blue monster (an adrenochrome code in the illuminati, like pizza). And a green monster, and every other color in between. How many sleepovers did you have, where pizza and licorice were served? More on those devices, in another post.

I have prayed like there is no tomorrow that they would come to repentance, so that I wouldn't need to come forth in this manner. However, all of my efforts to bless them and show mercy by revealing truth and the door to a new life has been met with a dial-up of denial, gaslighting and treachery so demented, that it's beyond what most can even fathom.

I was asking Yahweh, one step at a time, where to even begin with my "files". All must be dealt with in the courts of Heaven, before the real Justice of the Peace, YHVH, before they are done in the natural. For we do not wage war against flesh and blood, but against powers and principalities. (Ephesians 6-7)

There is a reason that cities are called principalities. Government programs and bureaus are just another place to endure more of the same abuse and reprogramming under the guise of "help". CPS (child-pedophile services) are renowned for trafficking and sexual abuse, through foster homes and more. I've seen it with my own eyes, particularly in the aboriginal community. These "people" prey on the vulnerable. Yah is very methodical and wise. He is just and has a law that we can count on. We better be sure that we are on the right side of it. Yeshua Ha'mashiach is our defender and advocate and the case is won, on Calvary. He sees all. And, he is Sovereign. He will always keep his Covenant with his people, through faith in the Messiah. Christ.

The time has come to shine the light into the cobwebs. YHVH has counseled me not bring this forth in haste, fear or vengeance. But, in his steady peace. There is a lot to be brought forth. I don't enjoy talking about this stuff, but I praise his Name for it. He Saved me. This is my testimony. I pray that it will be yours, too.

If my Jesuit "father" (not my biological father) is reading this, who escorted my 6.5 pregnant self from New York to Bellingham, with my husband, you have been officially renounced and divorced from me.

You always loved my ringlets. "Like yours." And I always loved climbing up, into your lap, where you groomed me. The unspeakable things that you did, will be spoken. I was an innocent four year old girl, who found all that I was lacking, in your attention and affection, according to the plan. I believed that you were my Father, because I wanted you to be. But, I remember.

The site of my parents' first date, a local icon for 50 years, that Yeshua and I prayed CLOSED forever, by the grace of the only true Father. He gets the glory. Dos Padres means Two Fathers, representing the generationally inherited split personality, as well as the Jesuit bonus "father" scheme, in the cult -- the land of Oz.

Illuminati worship of Janis, an ancient Greek god

Your cahoots with the "pizza" (child) crematoriums for the blood thirsty elites is over (Woodstone means petrified wood / rape). Your only hope is repentance in the blood of the Lamb, Yeshua Hamashiach. If you come anywhere near my family or I again, YHVH will no longer allow repentance, but only a fearful expectation of wrath. Feel it. Deliver your soul. Your grandchildren's, too. If you have any genuine love in your heart at all, you will come into the light -- for yourself and for your biological daughter and her children. The fire of God's wrath is burning hot, for you. But, there is a perfect Love that casts out all fear. Take the narrow gate. Choose life.

Not an actual photo

"Nothing is covered up that will not be revealed, or hidden that will not be known. Therefore whatever you have said in the dark shall be heard in the light, and what you have whispered in private rooms shall be proclaimed on the housetops." Luke 13:2-3

"As for you, what you intended against me for evil, God intended for good, in order to accomplish a day like this—to preserve the lives of many people." Genesis 50:20



Unclean (Nephilim, hybridization, cannibalism)

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