The measuring rod of Zechariah 2 is against the church in British Columbia.
Revelation 11:1-2
Ezekiel 8 and 40-48
Rev. 14
Rev. 21
Luke 21
Zechariah 2 and 4
Daniel 11
British = seed of Lucifer 🐍👑
Columbia= light of Lucifer 🗽
The "dogwood" was chosen as the provincial flower, as a horrid cackle, for what it really means. The dogs of scriptures that are cast outside of the gates of the Kingdom of Heaven, are the sorcerers who act like dogs to seal the transference of luciferian knowledge, through perversion and things I cannot even mention.
The federal reserve created reservations. The church works for the federal reserves, because of the contract that was signed for tax exemption status. This is why tax exemption status exists, to entrap the church into being two-headed. A monster. The beast.
For more information about the Federal reserve, pertaining to the Illuminati in the United States, head to the podcast called, No Longer Enslaved.
The first nations people have been enslaved, tortured beyond comprehension, by a false Christ, in the name of Christian missions. Yahweh has come to give them a new identity, in Him, through Isaiah 58:12 Repairers of the Breach.
When you see the spell break off of souls, at the use of Yahweh's proper names, and his son, Yeshua, it becomes immediately apparent, how twisted and demonic the church has made the name of Jesus Christ. Like the Pharisees and hypocrites that Messiah rebuked -- shutting the door of the narrow gate into salvation and eternal life in their faces with the very savior that they claim to love and serve! Yeshua didn't come for those who recoil from his name and the names of His Father, dedicated to their "christian" antisemitism. Yah gave his Son for those who will run through His name to hide in the Redeemer.
Please partner with Yeshua to pray for the harvest, as in Matt. 9:38. Please pray for Kazie, the young woman that was in my path tonight, who is desiring Yeshua, but could not accept the Word to take home, for fear of her handler that was nearby. It was a miracle, she said, that he was not interrupting us.
There isn't a social service, here in the queen’s British Columbia that does not simply reprogram, into leveling down in hell. This is the "first beast" system. A Nazi mind control program.
There will be no truth and reconciliation with abusers and liars. Not with the beast systems. Only the ministry of reconciliation to Yahweh, through the gospel of Yeshua Hamashiach. Souls are starving. Yeshua came to feed the hungry. The full, he will pass by.