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  • Writer's pictureTaryn D

Enslaved by the Queen of Heaven

(Old poem. Rev. 18)

Please see Lamentations 2, 3 and 4. This is the heart of YHVH about the church. It's not good. Do not set foot inside a church building, unless Yah tells you clearly, to go, and you have tested the spirits, like it's life or death.

I don't think that plants are alone in experiencing transplant shock. Don't uproot them. Give them sunlight, water and grace. 🌱🌻

The aching burden of prayer that I have for Yah's hurting daughters, who are suffering invisible pain and hidden captivity is worth knowing the deep love and plans of the Father. After a lifetime of praying for death, I'm blessed to be alive to point to the door that I found. (Well, He found me.)

When we defect from this matrix of a world, because of the power and mercy of the blood of the Lamb, the war drum of his beating love within our hearts goes forth to unlock the prison of those who are bound with the key of David: love for the justice system of the Most High God. And therefore, love for his law. He is so wise and good! (Psalm.119)

YHVH's law, that he wrote on our hearts, calls us to Yeshua, for forgiveness and help to walk in righteousness. To walk in holiness, without which, no one will see the Lord. (Including us.) He tells us to be holy, as He is holy.

Satan will do all that he can to veil us from the ark of the covenant that keeps us safe in the days of Noah. Ever rock and rolling the stone back over the empty tomb. Veils of brainwashing, to hide Yah's justice system and therefore, limit our appreciation and gratitude for the risen Savior. Who Yeshua Hamashiach of Nazareth really is!

As with Solomon and Yah's temple measurements, Noah built the ark under precise instructions. The dimensions were meticulous, but the materials were basic.

🩸Nails: Yeshua's nail scarred hands of forgiveness

🌳Wood: His crucifixion, on our behalf as the perfect spotless lamb and sacrifice for our sin, upon the tree, to redeem us back, after we rejected his holiness by practicing lawlessness.

🔥Brimstone: pitch, that keeps out the waters of judgment. 🌊Theion - burning, named for the sulphur-smell left by lightning, the fire of heaven, bringing down awesome displays of judgment and power.

Something to chew on. 🍞🕊️

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