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  • Writer's pictureTaryn D

Discerning the Body

Israel is the remnant. Both genetic and grafted. It is not the physical location, biblically, in these last days. The synagogue of Satan is not Judaism, deceived as they are for having rejected Messiah. The strong delusion is Christianity. The synagogue of satan loves it's Luciferian Jesus Christ. I did, once, too. Praise YAH for delivering me.

I have a shortcut in discerning wolves in sheep's clothing, for you.

Some (not all) are exposed through the use of the Lord's real names. In the harlot church that rides the beast, pharmakeia, mind control, programming, and sorcery is wrapped up in the English language, especially when it comes to grooming children into trusting Lucifer with the name of Jesus.

Listen up, Mystery Babylon! You are no longer a mystery.

"And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death." (Revelation 12)

Detaching myself from the synagogue of satan called Christianity, was exactly what people who try to leave Scientology, go through. I have been hunted more than once and it took a hospital stay and worse to break off my last thread of disobedience and cult-confusion. That I might break free from the curse upon the anathematized church and find healing and refuge in the Covenant. (The Ark) In Yeshua -- The mighty right hand of the god of Israel.

Satanic ritual abuse dispatches missions, like sunday schools, Awana, VBS etc. missions trips, and summer camps. Universities etc.We can test some spirits very easily by watching the anti-Semitism rise up -- a nazi spirit of hatred, reviling, and murder, at the use of Yah's names. Yah gave his only begotten son to die for us, because of all of these pastors who are agreeing with Lucifer and the New World Order to sacrifice their firstborn child, to start churches under a satanic altar. It's absolutely horrific and not uncommon.

There are so many people who are believing that they are righteously angry about the quenching of the Holy Spirit in churches. If we are rebelling against the law, because of greasy grace, we are quenching the Spirit too. Yeshua came, so that we will be rich in both. He came to save us from a dead letter that kills -- relying on works to save. He also came to deliver us from a letterless, WORDless, Spirit. The counterfeit. The antichrist.

The man of lawlessness that those who are called with understanding to calculate in the book of revelation is you! The mark of the beast is lawlessness!

The Father took out his wrath upon our sin, on his only begotten Son, who was perfect.He didn't just do it to deliver us from pornography, drug addiction, vanity and petty crimes. But for these dens of lawlessness, who are telling people that the inheritance of the saints -- those in covenant with the God of the Covenant of Israel is death upon THEIR firstborn!! THIS IS BLASPHEMY! When Yah gives eyes to show you the truth about stillborns and SIDS, you will pray like you have never prayed before! The Lord of Hosts has put a seal upon the mark of those who are wailing for the abominations that are done within the land!

Hebrew, the divine language reads RIGHT to left. Each Hebrew letter has its own frequency, which is why Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of Yah. In both Spirit and in Truth. Not by the word of reptilian Nephilim, King James (a 33 degree freemason).

English, was designed on purpose to remove the word of Yah from the righteous right hand path and into Lucifer's left hand path. That is why it reads left to right. It's a spell. A curse. To keep the true son of the God of Israel concealed and prevent salvation under the guise of some sinner's prayer and righteousness when salvation, according to scripture is defined as repenting and believing and following the Lamb wherever he goes.

When you begin to speak in the resonance of the spirit of Yah, the God of Israel, you will see wolves begin to reveal themselves, vipers in sheep's clothing lunging at you. Or spies who are coming to steal the inheritance with more manipulation. The rest of the flies and cockroaches will scatter. We must love and bless our enemies and pray for those who persecute us because they do not know what they are doing, as we once did not as well. The pursuit of Pharaoh is on right now, through the eyes of Herod, for those who are following the Lamb, wherever he goes. He is worthy!

Discipleship and being fishers of men is about gathering and discerning the true body of Messiah. We are called to go after the lost sheep of the House of Israel. Evangelical Christianity has twisted the great commission, to waste our time and the enemy is laughing.

The pied piper brings everybody into a building with a graven image (the cross) to listen to a TED talk, beginning with a few incantations of "Jesus Christ " called worship songs, backed by the flooding of our senses by the false holy spirit (Kundalini). James warns us about this being sensual and demonic. Furthermore, how many times have we taken communion with the cursed and have, therefore, partaken in their curses?

Christianity is just another crucifix cult like Catholicism. Look at the empty tomb! The sign of the people of the god of Israel is by how we love one another and the light of the RESURRECTION, that shines through us.

In the Bible, it took two witnesses to establish a matter. The disciples were sent two by two, To the lost sheep of the House of Israel. Witness means martyr. Those who have fully died to self, that they may fully live in Him. How can one be a witness if they have nothing to report? We must testify of the power of the blood of the Lamb. But, who has truly seen it or experienced it? If not, why?

The mantles of the two witnesses, poured out upon the third temple (the 144,000), are Moses (Law) and Elijah (Spirit). Yeshua died so that we could walk in the Way, and if anyone sins, he is now our advocate, through faith. Faith without works is dead. Yah says I know your works. Repent and do the works that I gave you at first or I will remove your lampstand from its place. What are the first works? Obedience to the law. He doesn't care about our good intentions if it violates his prescribed structure and operation for the church, the ecclesia. He wants us to get all of our good ideas out of there and start trusting his Word, so we can have real power to deliver the captives and heal those who are suffering in bondage.

The strong delusion is impossible to shatter without the Key of David (Torah - Psalm 119).

The shepherds in scripture that were not looking after the orphan and widow were severely chastised and rebuked. There is no such thing as shepherding a church whose body you do not know, and cannot discern. It's either all about numbers, or all about the "pastor". Welcome to the synagogue of satan. Run. Your life depends on it.

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