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  • Writer's pictureTaryn D

Ass Backwards

The backwards gospel of the lawless church in clown shoes is coming swiftly under the curse of chaos and insanity. Few want the good news of the gospel. The cure. Least of all, the corporate church.

I don't mean to be sassy or to name call. There are literal clowns for pastors. #nephilim 🕳️ #daysofnoah

White washed with false light and red mouthed, with blood. This is the harlot who rides the beast in Revelation. The mother of prostitutes. The whore of Babylon. Human trafficking is the lifeblood of the economy. Every institution is meant to paint a veneer over the truth about our society.

This is why the modern church looks absolutely nothing like the biblical church and has the power of sorcery to keep everyone blind to it. Wolves raising sheep to be cannibalistic reprobates, whose hidden works are being exposed, before all, by Almighty El Roi -- God Who Sees.

The sandals of the gospel of peace are not on those whose feet are quick to run to evil, or away from the light. (Same thing. No middle ground.) Sin, after it is conceived and then is full grown, gives birth to death. Forgive them Father, for they know not what they do.

Yet, they push his mercy away as an offense to them. They choose to drink the blood of innocents instead of Yeshua, the spotless Lamb who died and rose again to cleanse them and give them a new heart and make them a new creation.

There is a better way. The ONLY way. It is The Way, the Truth and the Light. Come out of the strong delusion of modern "Christianity". Ask for the ancient paths and exit the matrix. The beast. The web of deception is too thick to be able to see it from the inside. 🌐

Our Redeemer is the Son and the perfect spotless Lamb of the great I AM, YHVH. He is the Lion of Judah. Our great high priest. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. In him, there is no shadow of turning. Don't be shady.

Follow the Lamb, wherever he goes. Meet your Maker.

Redemption and fullness of peace is with Him. Outside of him, is only death and a fearful expectation of judgment.

In Him, is the fullness of Life and Peace. 🕊️

🌈 Love ya


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